About me
Specializing in road safety, accessibility, and infrastructure,
I work to take you and your projects safely further.

About Luxenburger Ltd.
Luxenburger Road Safety Ltd. was founded in 2012 and transferred to a Ltd. business in 2017. CEO is M. Sc. (civil engineering), road safety and accessibility auditor Jan Luxenburger, born 1975.
My career in the infrastructure sector started in 2002 in Viborg County, and has taken me to both Viborg Municipality and the Danish Road Directorate, with tasks within road maintenance of pavements, vertical signs, lighting, signals and bridges. Also, I have worked in road safety, accessibility and project management since 2007. Please check my CV for a more detailed review.
I live in the small city of Langå a little south of Randers, and also have an office in Viborg.
Go to online resume
Download CV here.
Download Terms and conditions here.
Always ready
for a chat
Need advice on road safety, road engineering or accessibility? I am ready to take further.
Contact information
Luxenburger Trafiksikkerhed & Vejteknik ApS
(Luxenburger Road Safety Ltd.)
Bredgade 6, 8870 Langå
Tel. +45 22 95 77 97
VAT: 38719688
I collaborate with most of the players in the infrastructure sector, and also collaborate closely with a number of smaller businesses. Besides utilizing each other for quality assurance and staffing larger assignments, we undertake joint field trips and meetings to keep up-to-date on the latest knowledge. This informal network consists of the following companies: