Safety in infrastructure
With specialized work based on the latest knowledge and best practice, I work to increase safety in infrastructure.

More safety on your way
A crash in traffic often has major personal consequences for those involved, and crashes also burden the economy. I have worked with road safety since 2007, and continuously work to make infrastructure safer - in Denmark as well as abroad. Road safety work can consist of:
Road safety audit and inspection
Road safety assessment and crash analysis
Road safety plans
Training and advice
Road safety audit and
A road safety audit or inspection is an impartial and critical review of your infrastructre project, with a focus solely on road safety. As a certified road safety auditor and with many years of experience in crash analysis, I offer to make your projects and infrastructure safer. Audits and inspections give you specific solutions for how your project can be optimized. Together, we conclude the audit process in a meeting, and the audit report constitutes a logbook of which decisions have been made regarding changes.
A powerful road safety tool
A road safety audit is always recommendable – and one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce the number of crashes. Read more in the publication (Danish) Evaluation of road safety audits in Denmark.
Road safety audits (RSA) and inspections (RSI)
A road safety audit can also be useful - and in some cases a requirement - if you construct projects on the infrastructure of other authorities or if you need approval from traffic police, or in projects financed by government funds.
Road Safety Inspection
Road safety inspection is a review of existing infrastructure, e.g. longer sections, based on the same principles as a road safety audit.
Read more
Read more about road safety audits in the Road Standards handbook (Danish) Road safety audit.
Road safety assessment and crash analysis
Road safety assessment
A road safety assessment is a specific assessment of a project, black spot, hazardous road section or other places where infrastructure users feel unsafe. The assessment is initially based on available data such as traffic volumes, speed and other data such as user behaviour.
Inspection and analysis
In general, every assessment is based on an on-site inspection, including measuring visibilty etc. Where purposeful, I use video recordings to map behavior of infrastructure users. The result is a concise, unbiased and accurate report, with recommendations on how to improve road safety and on site.
Road safety plans
Mapping challenges
A road safety plan maps the road safety challenges in your area, and can either be on an overall level, such as an entire municipality, or on a detailed level, where we focus on, for example, a selected city.
Benefit and cost
The road safety plan provides a proposal for how your road safety funding is allocated in the best possible way. This is done by calculating expected crash savings and effects of the proposed solutions, to make sure that you spend your funds the safest way possible.
Training and advice
Always feel free to reach out for advice on road safety. I offer courses, lectures and workshops on the subject (online or on-site) and have lectured in Denmark as well as in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Colombia and Argentina.
Furthermore, I offer to participate in meetings with citizens and NGO's as an impartial professional.